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The Job Hunt: Tips, Tricks, and How to De-Stress

Job hunting is probably one of the most stressful parts about graduating from college. It goes right up there next to wanting your independence back and college loans! You spend months and months trying to find a job, you go on a ton of interviews, you HAVE THE DEGREE, and yet still no luck! Then you feel forced to answer the “What are you going to do next?” question from all your friends and family. It can all be really exhausting and sometimes disappointing because you want to have the perfect answer to all their questions. But here’s my first piece of advice: Saying I don’t know is completely fine! It’s a complete sentence that doesn’t require any explanation after it. Just like the word No. This is your journey, this is your job hunt, and there’s no need to explain to others what you want to do or what you’re about to do unless you specifically ask for their input.

With that said there are some things you can do to better your chances in the job hunt and more importantly I highly suggest you take some time to de-stress and let the universe work it’s magic, because at the end of the day it really will all work out!

Tips and Tricks

TIP: Get up and Follow up – Now and days its really easy to apply to jobs on line, but I feel like there’s a lot of benefits to getting up and out when job hunting. Talking with someone in person or even over the phone can make a world of difference when hundreds of applications are coming in. Be sure to dress in professional attire when you go and always follow up with companies if they allow! 

TRICK: Let people know you’re looking – While people may not have a job for you now, you never know when they’ll have a job or connection for you later. The power of networking can work in your favor, but you have to let people know you’re actively looking! The Trick: On LinkedIn, you can secretly let recruiters know you’re looking for a job by turning on your “Open Candidates” feature. Click here to learn more!

TIP: Stay ready – One of my favorite quotes says, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity”.  You can be at a family picnic and someone has a job opportunity ready for you. Do you have your resume ready on your phone or in your car? You could be with friends and someone wants to know what type of job you’re looking for. Could you quickly describe yourself, your skills set, and your goals in under a minute? Trust me, when you’re job hunting its pays to stay ready because you never know when opportunity will knock!

TRICK: Explore your options – After graduation is a great time to explore various career fields and it doesn’t always have to be in a formal internship. Simply asking to shadow someone or requesting an informational interview can give you a better understanding of a career or job. The Trick: One of my favorite websites to use for career advice is! They have a ton of career advice, resume tips, and articles that are perfect for college graduates. Click here to learn more!

How to De-Stress

Create your own schedule! – It’s easy to feel like you’re not being productive when you’re not working, so make a schedule that you can follow to be more productive! Include new things to try each week, make appointments with professionals you want to learn more about, plug in a few job fairs, and of course include some relaxing down time!

Find someone to vent to! – Sometimes you have to get it all out! I always feel a little better when I can talk to someone going through a similar situation as me so we can relate to each and encourage each other to stay positive.

Start a new hobby! – This might sound corny but starting a new hobby really can re-energize you while you’re job hunting! Blogging and posting on social media has become my new thing and I love being able to work on my brand in my downtime. Mix things up and find something new you want to start! Even better if you’re new hobby turns into a skill you can add to your resume!

I hope these tips and tricks helped you all! If you haven’t already checked out my Fab Grad of the Month series on YouTube check it out here for more great dialogue about post-grad life! 

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